A Simple Checklist and Guide For Blogging And Articles
I've been blogging for over 5+ years and have had countless people approach me for tips to get started. In my opinion, getting started is the hardest part of blogging because it can be pretty overwhelming.
I decided to put a checklist of everything you need to get started including checklists on:
Before You Start
Starting Your Blog (what to do before you put pen to paper)
Midway In Your Blog
Finishing and Editing Your Blog
Where To Publish
Extra Tips and Tricks
This is meant to be a simplified version of many other checklists that have over 100s of checkboxes. I made mine a lot simpler because you don't want to be overwhelmed at the start.
This is great also if you want to start blogging via Medium since that's the platform I started on as well.
Checklist with everything you need to get started with blogging including some of my tips and tricks 😊